Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ethical concepts management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ethical concepts management - Case Study Example To find out the important management concepts, I carried out an oral interview from a manager to develop an insight into the critical aspects of corporate managerial assignments. This is a report of the oral interview of Mr. Olivia Akani, the founder and chief executive officer of Customs mobile catering company. This interview was undertaken on 5th November 2013 in the office of this Iconic entrepreneur who opened a closed door on a new approach towards service to humanity. This interview was based on business ethical dilemmas which is an aspect of management and is an emerging serious issue in the society. This topic was obtained from the chapter three on the nature of ethics from the given text. Theoretical concepts in this chapter and the case of coming across a person being mugged and pondering over helping will act as the guiding tool in the interview and conclusions. Introduction Ethics is a generally acceptable unwritten way of doing things which is consistent with the social order of any organization. The code of conduct is always defined by that given organization’s cultural beliefs (Trevino, Linda and Katherine 36). This cuts across various communities, corporate world, governments and individual behavior. In this case, an interview was conducted with the chief executive officer as the interviewee and the focus was on how to inculcate the concept of ethics within employees and ways of solving a situation of ethical dilemma like in the case study referred to in the text chapter. Management requires requisite critical analysis ability and in-depth assessment of consequences of any action. Managers may always find themselves in ethical dilemma either directly or through their juniors (Ko?ster 65). Top manager like a Chief executive officer is always bound to make difficult decisions that demands win-win outcome with an ethical concern. In an effort to make profit, there is always the code of ethics practiced by any organization that need to be ad hered to every time in the course of production process (Garsten and Tor 125). This interview would serve as the basis of further analytical concepts of ethical dilemmas in management process. Summary of questions and corresponding responses from the interview Question Response The industry the company belong The company falls within the competitive food, beverages and events catering services industry Management levels in the company The company is headed by CEO, top brass managers, middle managers and supervisors in that order. The management position held Chief executive officer of the company Daily work and overall job description Being the CEO, the daily work entails overseeing the activities going on in the company through reports received from top management team and individual observation. The job description in this case can summarily be defined is act as the overall custodian of all management activities that are meant to propel the organization to greater heights. Persona l management approaches and skills Participatory decision making is the best as it incorporate the diverse ideas of various stakeholders to the company hence ensuring that the decision made serves the interest of the company and its stakeholders in equal measure. Sound interpersonal communication skills are the best tools to apply in success focused management. Personal values and traits that helps in managing the organization Being a strict adherent to the company’s laws, regulations and codes of ethics is one trait that can has brought the company to where it is today. These values can be transmitted to other managers and the non-managerial employees through being a role model which has worked in the company. Interest in details is also a critical tool that has helped in exhaustive resolution of a challenges

Monday, February 10, 2020

The role of race in drug prosecutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

The role of race in drug prosecutions - Essay Example nd historical premises behind all the increasing tendency of South Asian men to be found in Britain’s prisons.The Paper concludes that given that it is true that the majority of offenders are Asian and are perceived as a threat to public order and drug prevention they should be understood for their relative economic and social conditions. This is particularly true for drug offences and acquisitive crime. The biases of the police and the ordinary public are accordingly reviewed with their reasons in this regard. Household crimes – For household offences, all members of the household can be regarded as victims, so the respondent answers on behalf of the whole household. The offence categories concerned are: bicycle theft; burglary; theft in a dwelling; other household theft; thefts of and from vehicles, and vandalism to household property and vehicles. Personal crimes – For personal offences, the respondent reports only on his/her experience to the BCS. This applies to the following offence categories: assault, sexual offences, robbery, theft from the person, and other personal theft. Information is also collected on threats. Sampling error – A sample is a small-scale representation of the population from which it is drawn. As such, the sample may produce estimates which differ from the figures which would have been obtained if the whole population had been interviewed. Statistical significance/Weighted data – Raw data from the survey is adjusted in various ways at the data processing stage to correct for imbalances introduced in sampling and by the design of the interview. The overall aim of this study is to provide an understanding of how violence and drug crime has been understood from the perspective of race particularly for South Asian offenders in England. Therefore this study will aspire to enhance current explanations, and explore connections between various forms of violence and race, with a view to aid prevention, reduction and eventual