Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self Care Activity Of Meditation - 1378 Words

There is nothing good that I can say about today. I have felt sick and nauseated all day. The events that occurred in this city today are unspeakable. I am usually in complete control of my emotions, but to my embarrassment, I lost control of them and I cannot seem to regain control. At first, I felt shocked, when the media released the name of the shooter, I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. I thought there was no way it could be the same person, there was no way it could be my former co-worker and friend’s brother. Turns out it was. I am heartbroken for the marines who were murdered and their families who have been so heinously, irrevocably altered, but I am also heartbroken for my friend and her family. I feel guilty for the last sentiment, in light of everything, but I can help but be heartbroken for them as well. I have decided to use the self-care activity of meditation to try to process my feelings and regain some emotional control. Right now, I am in a v ery bad mental and emotional state; I hope that his activity will help. The meditation was extremely difficult, but I feel like I am in a better emotional state. I felt the need to lie down, so I lay on my couch and tried to meditate. It lasted a little over twenty minutes. I am not comfortable talking about the thoughts that processed through my head, they are much too personal at the moment, but I will discuss the feelings. Initially, I became more upset, angry, confused and emotionally out ofShow MoreRelatedSelf Care1408 Words   |  6 Pagesforget about self-care. In an effort to prevent burn out, our group has integrated the practices of exercise and meditation into our daily schedules. In the following, we discuss how both mediation and exercise worked and didn’t work for us, what we learned while on this journey, and how we applied our learning to teach someone the skills and knowledge we obtained in meditation and exercise. 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